


podman 命令


ps 子命令 - 列表容器



  podman ps [flags]

  -a, --all              Show all the containers, default is only running containers
  -f, --filter strings   Filter output based on conditions given
      --format string    Pretty-print containers to JSON or using a Go template
  -n, --last int         Print the n last created containers (all states) (default -1)
  -l, --latest           Act on the latest container podman is aware of
                         Not supported with the "--remote" flag
      --no-trunc         Display the extended information
      --ns               Display namespace information
  -p, --pod              Print the ID and name of the pod the containers are associated with
  -q, --quiet            Print the numeric IDs of the containers only
  -s, --size             Display the total file sizes
      --sort choice      Sort output by: command, created, id, image, names, runningfor, size, status
      --sync             Sync container state with OCI runtime
  -w, --watch uint       Watch the ps output on an interval in seconds


# 1.显示所有容器信息并显示容器所属的pod id
podman ps -ap
# CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                 COMMAND  CREATED       STATUS                   PORTS   NAMES               POD ID        PODNAME
# 15e7d3797552  docker.io/mirrorgcrio/pause:3.2                25 hours ago  Up 25 hours ago                  73c5a062cb17-infra  73c5a062cb17  HelloWorld
# 2fd059b66fb6  docker.io/library/hello-world:latest  /hello   25 hours ago  Exited (0) 25 hours ago          friendly_neumann    73c5a062cb17  HelloWorld

# 2.显示容器信息中指定的列
podman ps -ap --format "{{.ID}}  {{.Image}}  {{.Labels}}  {{.Mounts}} {{.PodName}}"
# 15e7d3797552  docker.io/mirrorgcrio/pause:3.2  map[]  [] HelloWorld
# 2fd059b66fb6  docker.io/library/hello-world:latest  map[]  [] HelloWorld

# 3.显示文件的总大小并根据名称进行排序
podman ps --size --sort names
# CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                            COMMAND  CREATED       STATUS           PORTS   NAMES               SIZE
# 15e7d3797552  docker.io/mirrorgcrio/pause:3.2           25 hours ago  Up 25 hours ago          73c5a062cb17-infra  0B (virtual 683kB)

top 子命令 - 显示容器正在运行的进程



podman top [options] container [format-descriptors]
podman container top [options] container [format-descriptors]

# 参数
--latest, -l   # 显示通过Podman或以外的方式CRI-O运行容器 (The latest option is not supported on the remote client).

args, capbnd, capeff, capinh, capprm, comm, etime, group, hgroup, hpid, huser, label, nice, pcpu, pgid,pid, ppid, rgroup, ruser, seccomp, state, time, tty, user, vsz

capbn:#Set of bounding capabilities. See capabilities (7) for more information.
capeff:#Set of effective capabilities. See capabilities (7) for more information.
capinh:#Set of inheritable capabilities. See capabilities (7) for more information.
capprm:#Set of permitted capabilities. See capabilities (7) for more information.
hgroup:#The corresponding effective group of a container process on the host.
hpid:#The corresponding host PID of a container process.
huser:#The corresponding effective user of a container process on the host.
label:#Current security attributes of the process.
seccomp:#Seccomp mode of the process (i.e., disabled, strict or filter). See seccomp (2) for more information.
state:#Process state codes (e.g, R for running, S for sleeping). See proc(5) for more information.
stime:#Process start time (e.g, "2019-12-09 10:50:36 +0100 CET).


# 1.默认情况下,podman-top打印的数据类似ps -ef:
$ sudo podman top 15e7d3797552
  # USER   PID   PPID   %CPU    ELAPSED               TTY   TIME   COMMAND
  # 0      1     0      0.000   46h15m55.488413816s   ?     0s     /pause

# 2.可以通过在容器后面指定格式描述符作为参数来控制输出:
$ podman top -l pid seccomp args %C
  # 1     filter    sh          0.000
  # 8     filter    vi /etc/    0.000
$ podman top -l pid seccomp state args %C
  # PID   SECCOMP   STATE   COMMAND                                       %CPU
  # 1     filter    S       nginx: master process nginx -g daemon off;    0.000
  # 30    filter    S       nginx: worker process                         0.000
  # 31    filter    S       nginx: worker process                         0.000

# 3.如果指定了未知的描述符,Podman将退回到在容器中执行ps(1)。
$ podman top -l -- aux
  USER   PID   PPID   %CPU    ELAPSED             TTY   TIME   COMMAND
  root   1     0      0.000   1h2m12.497061672s   ?     0s     sleep 100000

status 子命令 - 查看运行中容器资源使用情况


$podman  stats nginx
ID             NAME    CPU %   MEM USAGE / LIMIT   MEM %   NET IO           BLOCK IO   PIDS
19f105d5dc1e   nginx   --      2.036MB / 1.893GB   0.11%   978B / 10.55kB   -- / --    2

log 子命令 - 查看容器运行的日志


podman logs nginx

inspect 子命令 - 镜像Image Layer信息


$ podman inspect nginx  | grep -i "ipaddress"
  "SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
  "IPAddress": "",


pod 子命令 - 管理容器组的工具称为pods

描述:podman pod是一组管理pod或容器组的子命令。

# SYNOPSIS(n. 概要,大纲)
podman pod subcommand

│Command │ Man Page              │ Description                 │
│create  │ podman-pod-create(1)  │ Create a new pod.           │
│exists  │ podman-pod-exists(1)  │ Check if a pod exists in local storage.  │
│inspect │ podman-pod-inspect(1) │ Displays information   describing a pod. │
│kill    │ podman-pod-kill(1)    │ Kill the main process of each container in one or more pods.  │
│pause   │ podman-pod-pause(1)   │ Pause one or more pods.     │
│prune   │ podman-pod-prune(1)   │ Remove all stopped pods and their containers.  │
│ps      │ podman-pod-ps(1)      │ Prints out information about pods.  │
│restart │ podman-pod-restart(1) │ Restart one or more pods.   │
│rm      │ podman-pod-rm(1)      │ Remove one or more stopped  pods and containers.        │
│start   │ podman-pod-start(1)   │ Start one or more pods.     │
│stats   │ podman-pod-stats(1)   │ Display a live stream of resource usage stats for containers in one or more pods. │
│stop    │ podman-pod-stop(1)    │ Stop one or more pods.      │
│top     │ podman-pod-top(1)     │ Display the running processes of containers in a pod.  │
│unpause │ podman-pod-unpause(1) │ Unpause one or more pods.   │


# 创建名称为 HugoBlog 的 pod
podman pod create --name HugoBlog
  # 63cb481fd2fd6a02d97355d8f950e765e06654c3b3a25111bc4431320fae897e

# 列出当前pod信息
podman pod ps 
podman pod list
  # 63cb481fd2fd  HugoBlog    Running  40 minutes ago  2                6b317ba47f5b
  # 73c5a062cb17  HelloWorld  Running  47 hours ago    2                15e7d3797552

# 列出指定pod中容器信息
podman pod top 73c5a062cb17
  # USER   PID   PPID   %CPU    ELAPSED               TTY   TIME   COMMAND
  # 0      1     0      0.000   47h27m58.166822731s   ?     0s     /pause
podman pod top HugoBlog
  # USER    PID   PPID   %CPU    ELAPSED            TTY   TIME   COMMAND
  # 0       1     0      0.000   41m43.871974181s   ?     0s     /pause
  # root    1     0      0.000   41m43.872432777s   ?     0s     nginx: master process nginx -g daemon off;
  # nginx   30    1      0.000   41m43.872491657s   ?     0s     nginx: worker process
  # nginx   31    1      0.000   41m43.87252457s    ?     0s     nginx: worker process

# 停止指定pod或者所有pod(其中的容器也随之停止)
podman pod stop HelloWorld
  # 73c5a062cb17b5088072ec13c496c101b0b239f9aba1dcad93ba5d746cdfb12d
podman pod stop $(podman pod ps -q)
  # 63cb481fd2fd6a02d97355d8f950e765e06654c3b3a25111bc4431320fae897e
  # 73c5a062cb17b5088072ec13c496c101b0b239f9aba1dcad93ba5d746cdfb12d

# 删除指定Pod或者删除所有已经停止的pod
podman pod rm -f HugoBlog
podman pod rm $(podman pod ps -q)

run 子命令 - 容器运行与构建

# 在指定pod中运行容器
podman run -d --pod HugoBlog nginx:alpine
Trying to pull docker.io/library/nginx:alpine...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob f682f0660e7a done
Copying config 6f715d38cf done
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures

将 pod 导出为声明式部署清单:

podman generate kube HugoBlog > HugoBlog.yaml

通过部署清单创建 pod:

podman play kube hugo.yaml

cat HugoBlog.yaml

# Generation of Kubernetes YAML is still under development!
# Save the output of this file and use kubectl create -f to import
# it into Kubernetes.
# Created with podman-2.0.6
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  creationTimestamp: "2020-09-23T04:31:52Z"
    app: HugoBlog
  name: HugoBlog
  - command:
    - nginx
    - -g
    - daemon off;
    - name: PATH
      value: /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
    - name: TERM
      value: xterm
    - name: NGINX_VERSION
      value: 1.19.2
    - name: NJS_VERSION
      value: 0.4.3
    - name: PKG_RELEASE
      value: "1"
    - name: container
      value: podman
    - name: HOSTNAME
      value: HugoBlog
    image: docker.io/library/nginx:alpine
    name: inspiringkare
    resources: {}
      allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
      capabilities: {}
      privileged: false
      readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
      seLinuxOptions: {}
    workingDir: /
status: {}
  creationTimestamp: null
spec: {}
  loadBalancer: {}

这是一个兼容 kubernetes 的 pod 定义,你可以直接通过 kubectl apply -f hugo.yaml 将其部署在 Kubernetes 集群中,也可以直接通过 podman 部署

如果通过声明式定义来创建 pod,还是无法解决服务发现的问题,除非换个支持静态 IP 的 CNI 插件,而支持静态 IP 的这些 CNI 插件又需要 etcd 作为数据库,我就这么点资源,可不想再加个 etcd,还是手撸命令行吧。

container 子命令 - 容器相关操作以及备份导出


Podman 支持将容器从一台机器迁移到另一台机器。
# 在源机器上对容器设置检查点并将容器打包到指定位置。
$ sudo podman container checkpoint <container_id> -e /tmp/checkpoint.tar.gz

# 在目标机器上使用源机器上传输过来的打包文件对容器进行恢复。
$ sudo podman container restore -i /tmp/checkpoint.tar.gz