










def _create_conv_net(X, image_width, image_height, image_channel, phase, drop_conv, n_class=1, n_classify=2):
    inputX = tf.reshape(X, [-1, image_width, image_height, image_channel])  # shape=(?, 32, 32, 1)
    # VNet model
    # layer0->convolution
    layer0 = conv_relu(x=inputX, kernalshape=(3, 3, image_channel, 16), scope='layer0')
    # layer1->convolution
    layer1 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer0, kernalshape=(3, 3, 16, 16), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv,
    layer1 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer1, kernalshape=(3, 3, 16, 16), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv,
    layer1 = resnet_Add(x1=layer0, x2=layer1)
    # down sampling1
    down1 = down_sampling(x=layer1, kernalshape=(3, 3, 16, 32), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='down1')
    # layer2->convolution
    layer2 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=down1, kernalshape=(3, 3, 32, 32), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv,
    layer2 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer2, kernalshape=(3, 3, 32, 32), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv,
    layer2 = resnet_Add(x1=down1, x2=layer2)
    # down sampling2
    down2 = down_sampling(x=layer2, kernalshape=(3, 3, 32, 64), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='down2')
    # layer3->convolution
    layer3 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=down2, kernalshape=(3, 3, 64, 64), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv,
    layer3 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer3, kernalshape=(3, 3, 64, 64), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv,
    layer3 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer3, kernalshape=(3, 3, 64, 64), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv,
    layer3 = resnet_Add(x1=down2, x2=layer3)
    # down sampling3
    down3 = down_sampling(x=layer3, kernalshape=(3, 3, 64, 128), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='down3')
    # layer4->convolution
    layer4 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=down3, kernalshape=(3, 3, 128, 128), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv,
    layer4 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer4, kernalshape=(3, 3, 128, 128), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv,
    layer4 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer4, kernalshape=(3, 3, 128, 128), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv,
    layer4 = resnet_Add(x1=down3, x2=layer4)
    # down sampling4
    down4 = down_sampling(x=layer4, kernalshape=(3, 3, 128, 256), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='down4')
    # layer5->convolution
    layer5 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=down4, kernalshape=(3, 3, 256, 256), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv,
    layer5 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer5, kernalshape=(3, 3, 256, 256), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv,
    layer5 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer5, kernalshape=(3, 3, 256, 256), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv,
    layer5 = resnet_Add(x1=down4, x2=layer5)
    # down sampling5
    down5 = down_sampling(x=layer5, kernalshape=(3, 3, 256, 512), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='down5')
    # layer6->convolution
    layer6 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=down5, kernalshape=(3, 3, 512, 512), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv,
    layer6 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer6, kernalshape=(3, 3, 512, 512), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv,
    layer6 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer6, kernalshape=(3, 3, 512, 512), phase=phase, drop_conv=drop_conv,
    layer6 = resnet_Add(x1=down5, x2=layer6)

    gap = tf.reduce_mean(layer6, axis=(1, 2))
    # layer7->FC1
    layerfc1 = tf.reshape(gap, [-1, 512])  # shape=(?, 512)
    layerfc2 = full_connected_relu_drop(x=layerfc1, kernal=(512, 512), drop=drop_conv, activefunction='relu',
    # layer7->output
    classify_output = full_connected_relu_drop(x=layerfc2, kernal=(512, n_classify), drop=drop_conv,
                                               activefunction='regression', scope='classify_output')
    # layer7->deconvolution
    deconv1 = deconv_relu_drop(x=layer6, kernalshape=(3, 3, 256, 512), scope='deconv1')
    # layer8->convolution
    layer7 = crop_and_concat(layer5, deconv1)
    _, H, W, _ = layer5.get_shape().as_list()
    layer7 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer7, kernalshape=(3, 3, 512, 256), height=H, width=W, phase=phase,
                               drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='layer7_1')
    layer7 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer7, kernalshape=(3, 3, 256, 256), height=H, width=W, phase=phase,
                               drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='layer7_2')
    layer7 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer7, kernalshape=(3, 3, 256, 256), height=H, width=W, phase=phase,
                               drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='layer7_3')
    layer7 = resnet_Add(x1=deconv1, x2=layer7)
    # layer9->deconvolution
    deconv2 = deconv_relu_drop(x=layer7, kernalshape=(3, 3, 128, 256), scope='deconv2')
    # layer8->convolution
    layer8 = crop_and_concat(layer4, deconv2)
    _, H, W, _ = layer4.get_shape().as_list()
    layer8 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer8, kernalshape=(3, 3, 256, 128), height=H, width=W, phase=phase,
                               drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='layer8_1')
    layer8 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer8, kernalshape=(3, 3, 128, 128), height=H, width=W, phase=phase,
                               drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='layer8_2')
    layer8 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer8, kernalshape=(3, 3, 128, 128), height=H, width=W, phase=phase,
                               drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='layer8_3')
    layer8 = resnet_Add(x1=deconv2, x2=layer8)
    # layer9->deconvolution
    deconv3 = deconv_relu_drop(x=layer8, kernalshape=(3, 3, 64, 128), scope='deconv3')
    # layer8->convolution
    layer9 = crop_and_concat(layer3, deconv3)
    _, H, W, _ = layer3.get_shape().as_list()
    layer9 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer9, kernalshape=(3, 3, 128, 64), height=H, width=W, phase=phase,
                               drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='layer9_1')
    layer9 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer9, kernalshape=(3, 3, 64, 64), height=H, width=W, phase=phase,
                               drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='layer9_2')
    layer9 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer9, kernalshape=(3, 3, 64, 64), height=H, width=W, phase=phase,
                               drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='layer9_3')
    layer9 = resnet_Add(x1=deconv3, x2=layer9)
    # layer9->deconvolution
    deconv4 = deconv_relu_drop(x=layer9, kernalshape=(3, 3, 32, 64), scope='deconv4')
    # layer8->convolution
    layer10 = crop_and_concat(layer2, deconv4)
    _, H, W, _ = layer2.get_shape().as_list()
    layer10 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer10, kernalshape=(3, 3, 64, 32), height=H, width=W, phase=phase,
                                drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='layer10_1')
    layer10 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer10, kernalshape=(3, 3, 32, 32), height=H, width=W, phase=phase,
                                drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='layer10_2')
    layer10 = resnet_Add(x1=deconv4, x2=layer10)
    # layer9->deconvolution
    deconv5 = deconv_relu_drop(x=layer10, kernalshape=(3, 3, 16, 32), scope='deconv5')
    # layer8->convolution
    layer11 = crop_and_concat(layer1, deconv5)
    _, H, W, _ = layer1.get_shape().as_list()
    layer11 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer11, kernalshape=(3, 3, 32, 16), height=H, width=W, phase=phase,
                                drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='layer11_1')
    layer11 = conv_bn_relu_drop(x=layer11, kernalshape=(3, 3, 16, 16), height=H, width=W, phase=phase,
                                drop_conv=drop_conv, scope='layer11_2')
    layer11 = resnet_Add(x1=deconv5, x2=layer11)
    # layer14->output
    output_map = conv_sigmod(x=layer11, kernalshape=(1, 1, 16, n_class), scope='output')
    return output_map, classify_output



 def __get_cost(self, cost_name, Y_gt, Y_pred):
        if cost_name == "cross_entropy":
            # the function first calculate softmax then calculate the
            # cross_entropy(-tf.reduce_sum(self.Y_gt*tf.log(Y_pred))),
            # logits don't through the tf.nn,softmax function
            loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=Y_gt, logits=Y_pred))
            return loss
        if cost_name == "dice coefficient":
            H, W, C = Y_gt.get_shape().as_list()[1:]
            smooth = 1e-5
            pred_flat = tf.reshape(Y_pred, [-1, H * W * C])
            true_flat = tf.reshape(Y_gt, [-1, H * W * C])
            intersection = 2 * tf.reduce_sum(pred_flat * true_flat, axis=1) + smooth
            denominator = tf.reduce_sum(pred_flat, axis=1) + tf.reduce_sum(true_flat, axis=1) + smooth
            loss = 1 - tf.reduce_mean(intersection / denominator)
            return loss




