Angular input控件的click事件表达式如何被转换成JavaScript函数

本文章向大家介绍Angular input控件的click事件表达式如何被转换成JavaScript函数,主要内容包括其使用实例、应用技巧、基本知识点总结和需要注意事项,具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友可以参考一下。


<button (click)="toggle($event)">隐藏/显示</button>




下面这个函数就是将表达式转换成Angular JavaScript listener的地方:

 * Adds an event listener to the current node.
 * If an output exists on one of the node's directives, it also subscribes to the output
 * and saves the subscription for later cleanup.
 * @codeGenApi
 * @param {?} eventName Name of the event
 * @param {?} listenerFn The function to be called when event emits
 * @param {?=} useCapture Whether or not to use capture in event listener
 * @param {?=} eventTargetResolver Function that returns global target information in case this listener
 * should be attached to a global object like window, document or body
 * @return {?}
function ɵɵlistener(eventName, listenerFn, useCapture = false, eventTargetResolver) {
    /** @type {?} */
    const lView = getLView();
    /** @type {?} */
    const tView = getTView();
    /** @type {?} */
    const tNode = getPreviousOrParentTNode();
    listenerInternal(tView, lView, lView[RENDERER], tNode, eventName, listenerFn, useCapture, eventTargetResolver);
    return ɵɵlistener;