

本文代码来源于东北电力大学和长春理工大学研究团队的研究成果《A novel approach of decoding {EEG} four-class motor imagery tasks via scout ESI and CNN》。

本文中的方法是EEG源成像(ESI)+ Morlet小波联合时频分析(JTFA)+卷积神经网络(CNN)。原始数据已使用Matlab ToolkitBrainstorm处理。在ESI + JTFA过程处理之后,使用CNN对EEG数据进行分类。

EEG Motor Imagery Signals (Tasks) Classification

via Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)




  1. Python file: PhysioNet_MI_Dataset/MIND_Get_EDF.py --- download all the EEG Motor Movement/Imagery Dataset .edf files from here! (Under Any Python Environment) $ python MIND_Get_EDF.py
  2. Python file: Read_Raw_Data_Save_Into_Matlab_Files.py --- Read the edf Raw data of different channels and save them into matlab .m files --- At this stage, the Python file must be processed under a Python 2 environment (I recommend to use Python 2.7 version). (Under Python 2.7 Environment) $ python Read_Raw_Data_Save_Into_Matlab_Files.py
  3. Matlab file: Saved_Matlab_Data/Preprocessing_Raw_Data.m --- Pre-process the dataset (Data Normalization mainly) and save matlab .m files into Excel .xlsx Files
  4. Python file: MI_Proposed_CNNs_Architecture.py --- the proposed CNNs architecture --- based on TensorFlow 1.12.0 with CUDA 9.0 or TensorFlow 1.13.1 with CUDA 10.0 --- The trained results are saved in the Tensorboard --- Open the Tensorboard and save the results into Excel .csv files --- Draw the graphs using Matlab or Origin (Under Python 3.6 Environment) $ python MI_Proposed_CNNs_Architecture.py

