


最近我被问到我的 - [R和Stata的软件包是否能够适应协变量之间的非线性关系。答案是肯定的,在这篇文章中,我将说明如何做到这一点。


n < -  10000
x1 < -  rnorm(n)
x2 < -  x1 ^ 2 + rnorm(n)
y < -  x1 + x2 + rnorm(n)
 [(runif(n)<expit(y))] < -  NA
mydata < -  data.frame(x1, X2,Y)


imps1 < -   (mydata,smtype =“lm” ,
                numit = 50,method = c(“”,“norm”,“”))
impobj < -  imputationList(imps1 $ impDatasets)


[1] "Outcome variable(s): y"
[1] "Passive variables: "
[1] "Partially obs. variables: x2"
[1] "Fully obs. substantive model variables: x1"
[1] "Imputation  1"
[1] "Imputing:  x2  using  x1,x1sq  plus outcome"
[1] "Imputation  2"
[1] "Imputation  3"
[1] "Imputation  4"
[1] "Imputation  5"
Warning message:
In smcfcs.core(originaldata, smtype, smformula, method, predictorMatrix,  :
  Rejection sampling failed 503 times (across all variables, iterations, and imputations). You may want to increase the rejection sampling limit.

Multiple imputation results:
      with(impobj, lm(y ~ x1 + x2))
               results          se      (lower      upper) missInfo
(Intercept) -0.0274234 0.015746687 -0.06054163 0.005694823     53 %
x1           1.0075646 0.018740270  0.96407720 1.051052088     77 %
x2           1.0026004 0.008043873  0.98549090 1.019709850     56 %


mydata $ x1sq < -  mydata $ x1 ^ 2
imps2 < -   (mydata,smtype =“lm”,smformula =“y~x1 + x2 + x1sq”,
                numit = 50,method = c(“”,“norm”, “”,“”))
impobj < -  imputationList(imps2 $ impDatasets)


[1] "Outcome variable(s): y"
[1] "Passive variables: x1sq"
[1] "Partially obs. variables: x1,x2"
[1] "Fully obs. substantive model variables: "
[1] "Imputation  1"
[1] "Imputing:  x1  using  x2  plus outcome"
[1] "Imputing:  x2  using  x1,x1sq  plus outcome"
[1] "Imputation  2"
[1] "Imputation  3"
[1] "Imputation  4"
[1] "Imputation  5"
Warning message:
In smcfcs.core(originaldata, smtype, smformula, method, predictorMatrix,  :
  Rejection sampling failed 17260 times (across all variables, iterations, and imputations). You may want to increase the rejection sampling limit.

Multiple imputation results:
      with(impobj, lm(y ~ x1 + x2))
              results         se    (lower    upper) missInfo
(Intercept) 0.2687343 0.04002737 0.1694782 0.3679903     88 %
x1          1.0276229 0.03432337 0.9436348 1.1116109     86 %
x2          1.0742299 0.01635284 1.0385746 1.1098852     64 %


需要注意的一点是,我们已经修改了假设为x2 | X1的模型,但我们还将实体模型(至少是用作插补过程的一部分的模型)修改为包含x1sq的模型。

predictorMatrix < -  array(0,dim = c(4,4))
predictorMatrix [2,c(1,4)] < -  1
imps3 < -   (mydata,smtype =“lm”,smformula =“y~x1 + x2“,numit = 50,
                predictorMatrix = predictorMatrix )
impobj < -  imputationList(imps3 $ impDatasets)
models < -  with(impobj,lm(y~x1) + x2))


[1] "Outcome variable(s): y"
[1] "Passive variables: "
[1] "Partially obs. variables: x2"
[1] "Fully obs. substantive model variables: x1"
[1] "Imputation  1"
[1] "Imputing:  x2  using  x1,x1sq  plus outcome"
[1] "Imputation  2"
[1] "Imputation  3"
[1] "Imputation  4"
[1] "Imputation  5"
Warning message:
In smcfcs.core(originaldata, smtype, smformula, method, predictorMatrix,  :
  Rejection sampling failed 503 times (across all variables, iterations, and imputations). You may want to increase the rejection sampling limit.

Multiple imputation results:
      with(impobj, lm(y ~ x1 + x2))
               results          se      (lower      upper) missInfo
(Intercept) -0.0274234 0.015746687 -0.06054163 0.005694823     53 %
x1           1.0075646 0.018740270  0.96407720 1.051052088     77 %
x2           1.0026004 0.008043873  0.98549090 1.019709850     56 %


mydata$x1[runif(n)<0.25] <- NA
mydata$x1sq <- mydata$x1^2
predictorMatrix[1,2] <- 1
imps4 <-  (mydata, smtype="lm", smformula = "y~x1+x2", numit=50,
                predictorMatrix=predictorMatrix,  =c("norm","norm","","x1^2"))
impobj <-  (imps4$impDatasets)
models <- with(impobj, lm(y~x1+x2))


[1] "Outcome variable(s): y"
[1] "Passive variables: x1sq"
[1] "Partially obs. variables: x1,x2"
[1] "Fully obs. substantive model variables: "
[1] "Imputation  1"
[1] "Imputing:  x1  using  x2  plus outcome"
[1] "Imputing:  x2  using  x1,x1sq  plus outcome"
[1] "Imputation  2"
[1] "Imputation  3"
[1] "Imputation  4"
[1] "Imputation  5"
Warning message:
In smcfcs.core(originaldata, smtype, smformula, method, predictorMatrix,  :
  Rejection sampling failed 17260 times (across all variables, iterations, and imputations). You may want to increase the rejection sampling limit.

Multiple imputation results:
      with(impobj, lm(y ~ x1 + x2))
              results         se    (lower    upper) missInfo
(Intercept) 0.2687343 0.04002737 0.1694782 0.3679903     88 %
x1          1.0276229 0.03432337 0.9436348 1.1116109     86 %
x2          1.0742299 0.01635284 1.0385746 1.1098852     64 %

这个例子也说明了smcfcs的一个理论问题 - 虽然它从一个与指定的实体或结果模型兼容的插补模型中推算每个协变量,但这并不意味着这些插补模型中的每一个都是相互兼容的。具体而言,用于分配其他协变量的模型可能不兼容。
