SAP Spartacus的navigation初始化

本文章向大家介绍SAP Spartacus的navigation初始化,主要内容包括其使用实例、应用技巧、基本知识点总结和需要注意事项,具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友可以参考一下。

SAP Spartacus navigation入口:

     * Sets up the location change listener and performs the initial navigation.
    initialNavigation() {
        if (this.navigationId === 0) {
            this.navigateByUrl(this.location.path(true), { replaceUrl: true });
     * Navigates to a view using an absolute route path.
     * @param url An absolute path for a defined route. The function does not apply any delta to the
     *     current URL.
     * @param extras An object containing properties that modify the navigation strategy.
     * The function ignores any properties in the `NavigationExtras` that would change the
     * provided URL.
     * @returns A Promise that resolves to 'true' when navigation succeeds,
     * to 'false' when navigation fails, or is rejected on error.
     * @usageNotes
     * The following calls request navigation to an absolute path.
     * ```
     * router.navigateByUrl("/team/33/user/11");
     * // Navigate without updating the URL
     * router.navigateByUrl("/team/33/user/11", { skipLocationChange: true });
     * ```
     * @see [Routing and Navigation guide](guide/router)
    navigateByUrl(url, extras = { skipLocationChange: false }) {
        if (isDevMode() && this.isNgZoneEnabled && !NgZone.isInAngularZone()) {
            this.console.warn(`Navigation triggered outside Angular zone, did you forget to call ''?`);
        const urlTree = isUrlTree(url) ? url : this.parseUrl(url);
        const mergedTree = this.urlHandlingStrategy.merge(urlTree, this.rawUrlTree);
        return this.scheduleNavigation(mergedTree, 'imperative', null, extras);



