OpenCV图像读取(imread) 显示(imshow) 保存(imwrite)的冷知识点

本文章向大家介绍OpenCV图像读取(imread) 显示(imshow) 保存(imwrite)的冷知识点,主要内容包括其使用实例、应用技巧、基本知识点总结和需要注意事项,具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友可以参考一下。
OpenCV图像读取(imread) 显示(imshow) 保存(imwrite)的冷知识点,虽然很基础,但也有用。

一、读取图像:imread() 与imreadmulti()

1. imread()函数第二个参数flags有很多选择,如下:

//! Imread flags

enum ImreadModes {

       IMREAD_UNCHANGED            = -1, //!< If set, return the loaded image as is (with alpha channel, otherwise it gets cropped). Ignore EXIF orientation.

       IMREAD_GRAYSCALE            = 0,  //!< If set, always convert image to the single channel grayscale image (codec internal conversion).

       IMREAD_COLOR                = 1,  //!< If set, always convert image to the 3 channel BGR color image.

       IMREAD_ANYDEPTH             = 2,  //!< If set, return 16-bit/32-bit image when the input has the corresponding depth, otherwise convert it to 8-bit.

       IMREAD_ANYCOLOR             = 4,  //!< If set, the image is read in any possible color format.

       IMREAD_LOAD_GDAL            = 8,  //!< If set, use the gdal driver for loading the image.

       IMREAD_REDUCED_GRAYSCALE_2  = 16, //!< If set, always convert image to the single channel grayscale image and the image size reduced 1/2.

       IMREAD_REDUCED_COLOR_2      = 17, //!< If set, always convert image to the 3 channel BGR color image and the image size reduced 1/2.

       IMREAD_REDUCED_GRAYSCALE_4  = 32, //!< If set, always convert image to the single channel grayscale image and the image size reduced 1/4.

       IMREAD_REDUCED_COLOR_4      = 33, //!< If set, always convert image to the 3 channel BGR color image and the image size reduced 1/4.

       IMREAD_REDUCED_GRAYSCALE_8  = 64, //!< If set, always convert image to the single channel grayscale image and the image size reduced 1/8.

       IMREAD_REDUCED_COLOR_8      = 65, //!< If set, always convert image to the 3 channel BGR color image and the image size reduced 1/8.

       IMREAD_IGNORE_ORIENTATION   = 128 //!< If set, do not rotate the image according to EXIF's orientation flag.


默认是IMREAD_COLOR 模式读取,会将图片转为3通道BGR彩图,读入进来type变成了CV_8UC3,如果你想以原本类型读取,那就选择IMREAD_UNCHANGED,那么图像原本是什么类型,读进来还是什么类型,这个参数主要在我们读取一些16位或者32为浮点型图像时就比较有用,因为一些计算需要这样的类型,有时候也为了计算提高精度。

2. imreadmulti()函数是用来一次性读取多张图片的,看下定义:

CV_EXPORTS_W bool imreadmulti(const String& filename, CV_OUT std::vector<Mat>& mats, int flags = IMREAD_ANYCOLOR);


二、显示图像:namedWindow() 和 imshow()

1. imshow()函数默认显示窗口模式是WINDOW_AUTOSIZE,它的好处是可以根据图像的大小自动调整大小显示,缺点是不能调整窗口大小,如果你想调整窗口大小,那么就要先使用namedWindow()函数,并将第二个参数设置为WINDOW_NORMAL

//! Flags for cv::namedWindow

enum WindowFlags {

       WINDOW_NORMAL     = 0x00000000, //!< the user can resize the window (no constraint) / also use to switch a fullscreen window to a normal size.

       WINDOW_AUTOSIZE   = 0x00000001, //!< the user cannot resize the window, the size is constrainted by the image displayed.

       WINDOW_OPENGL     = 0x00001000, //!< window with opengl support.


       WINDOW_FULLSCREEN = 1,          //!< change the window to fullscreen.

       WINDOW_FREERATIO  = 0x00000100, //!< the image expends as much as it can (no ratio constraint).

       WINDOW_KEEPRATIO  = 0x00000000, //!< the ratio of the image is respected.

       WINDOW_GUI_EXPANDED=0x00000000, //!< status bar and tool bar

       WINDOW_GUI_NORMAL = 0x00000010, //!< old fashious way


2. 另外一个冷门知识点是imshow显示的时候,我们可以选中窗口,进行图片的复制(Ctrl + C)和保存(Ctrl + S)

int main()

  Mat img = imread("./lena.jpg", IMREAD_UNCHANGED);

  if (img.empty())


    cout << "Image is empty, please check again!" << endl;

    return -1;


  namedWindow("img", WINDOW_NORMAL);

  imshow("img", img);

  while (1)


    if (waitKey(0) == 27)



  return 0;


可以用上一段代码尝试,先选中窗口,然后按下Ctrl + C,打开画图工具或者PPT进行粘贴,或者Ctrl + S会弹出对话框保存本地,很方便调,避免去加imwrite().


1. 大家比较熟悉的应该是用imwrite()来保存单张图片,我们也可以用它来一次性保存多张图片到一个文件中,看函数说明:



Mat img1 = imread("./1.jpg", IMREAD_UNCHANGED);

Mat img2 = imread("./2.jpg", IMREAD_UNCHANGED);



imwrite("result.tif", imgs);



imreadmulti("./result.tif", imgs, IMREAD_UNCHANGED);

cout << imgs.size() << endl;





.tif这个格式如果你用过halcon就会经常看到它的身影, 为什么老是用它?