SQL Server 2016新特性:动态数据屏蔽(DDM)

本文章向大家介绍SQL Server 2016新特性:动态数据屏蔽(DDM),主要内容包括其使用实例、应用技巧、基本知识点总结和需要注意事项,具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友可以参考一下。

编辑手记:对于敏感数据的适当屏蔽一直是数据安全中一个重要的部分,在SQL Server 2016上推出了动态数据屏蔽的新特性,使得开发人员或者数据库管理员能够控制敏感数据的暴露程度,并且在数据库层面生成数据,大大简化了数据库应用层的安全设计和编码。

Microsoft has introduced an impressive new feature in SQL Server 2016 called Dynamic Data Masking (DDM). Dynamic Data Masking allows a developer or administrator to decide how much of the sensitive data to reveal with minimal impact on the application layer. This feature also helps to simplify the design and coding of security in your application by making the data at the database level.

在SQL Server 2016上推出了一个很强的新特性叫做Dynamic Data Masking (DDM)-动态数据屏蔽,为了尽可能少的对应用层造成影响,该特性允许开发人员或者数据库管理员能够控制敏感数据的暴露程度,并且在数据库层面生成数据,大大简化了数据库应用层的安全设计和编码。

Dynamic Data Masking does not modify or change the actual data stored in a table; it applies the masking functions on the table’s column at the time of returning a data as the result of a query. Dynamic Data Masking supports four data masking functions, as listed below, using which you can mask the data at the database level:

  1. Default
  2. Random
  3. Custom String
  4. Email






Note: There are two ways using which you can apply the DDM functions. You can apply this at the time you create the table or you can apply this function in the existing table that contains data using an ALTER statement. 注:应用数据屏蔽函数有两种方式,在创建表的时候应用或者在现有的表上使用ALTER语句应用。


1、Default 默认函数

The default function of Dynamic Data Masking masks data on the basis of the column's data type.


  • If the data type is date and time, then it shows the data in 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000 formats. 如果数据类型包含日期和时间,会以“1900-01-01 00:00:00.000”格式显示;
  • If the data type is numeric then it shows a 0. 如果数据类型是数字类型的,会显示0;
  • If data type is string, then it displays data by adding Xs in the string. This function can add maximum 4 X’s in string data, if string contains less than 4 characters, then it will show X for fewer characters only. 如果是字符串类型的,将会在字符串后面添加X,最多能添加4个,如果字符串包含的字符少于4个,则会以实际的X数目显示。

An example of the Default Dynamic Data Masking function is shown below.


In this whole article, we will use the same table, so let's create this table. The below script will create a table named DDM_Student_Sample. While creating the table, we will apply the default DDM function on the Student_DOB column. The actual data of the Student_DOB column will not be visible to the user who has read permission. Instead of the actual data, SQL Server will return data in the 1900-01-01 format.


After table creation, we need to insert some data into table to check how the Default DDM function works. So we will use below query to insert four rows into the table.


After inserting the data we will use the below script to check an actual data stored in the table- DDM_Student_Sample. ( here we are using the user credentials who is having full access or adequate permission which require to check an actual data of the table and those users only will be able to see the sensitive information like as shown in above figure.)


-- Check the actual data in the table DDM_Student_Sample using the below querySelect * from [dbo].[DDM_Student_Sample]

Now we will create a user and grant read permission on DDM_Student_Sample table using below script:

现在我们创建一个用户 ,使用以下语句对其授DDM_Student_Sample表的读取权。


As we have applied Default DDM function on column Student_DOB, so lets check how the data will appear when user having read permission on a table using below script.



On above output we can see that user DDM_Read is not able to see the actual data for the Student_DOB column because we have applied the Default Dynamic Data Masking function on this column. Hence, data of column Student_DOB showing in the 1900-01-01 format.


If you want to allow a few users who have less privileges, like the user, DDM_Read, then grant the UNMASK permission for this set of users:


Grant UNMASK to DDM_Read

after granting UNMASK permission to the user, DDM_Read, they will be able to see the actual data, like shown in the below figure.


Use the below script to revoke the UNMASK permission of user, DDM_Read.


Revoke UNMASK to DDM_Read


This DDM function is applied on numeric data types only. It displays a random value for the specified range. In the below example we will apply the Random function on the Student_ID column.


Alter Table[dbo].[DDM_Student_Sample] Alter Column Student_ID Add masked with (function='Random(1,4)')

After applying the Random function, when we try to check the data of table using the DDM_Read user (user with read permission only), the data of the table will look like shown in below figure:


In the above figure, we can see that actual values for Student_ID are replaced with some random numeric values. Again, if you want to allow less privileged user to check the actual data of the table, then grant the UNMASK permission.


3、Custom String 自定义屏蔽

This DDM function uses the below syntax to mask the data:


Syntax : Partial(prefix,[padding],suffix)


  • Prefix – Starting numbers of character to be displayed.(要显示的字符的起始编号)
  • Suffix – Last number of characters to be displayed from specified column value(从指定列值显示的最后一个字符数)
  • Padding –Custom padding string for masking.(用于屏蔽的自定义填充字符串)

We will apply the Custom String DDM function on Student_Name column with the below values :


  • Prefix = 3 -- It will displayed first three characters of Student_Name column values.(.它将显示Student_Name列值的前三个字符。)
  • Suffix= 9 -- It will display last 9 characters of Student_Name column values.(它将显示Student_Name列值的最后9个字符。)
  • Padding = &&**& -- It will start masking from 4th character and display this Padding string.(&&**& 它将从第4个字符开始屏蔽并显示此Padding字符串。)

Use the below script to apply Custom String function on a Student_Name column of table DDM_Student_Sample.


Alter Table[dbo].[DDM_Student_Sample] Alter Column Student_Name Add masked with (function='Partial(3,"&&**&",9)')

And then check the data using DDM_Read user.


The data in the column, Student_Name, will look like it does above for the user, DDM_Read, due to the Custom String DDM function.

因为自定义屏蔽函数的使用, Student_Name列上的值将会如上图显示。

4、The Email Function 邮件函数

This DDM function will displays the first character of an email address, masking the rest of the characters with XXX@XXXX until the suffix “.com”. For example, if we apply the email DDM function for an email address like abc@ddm.com, then this email address will appear as "aXXX@XXXX.com".

此DDM功能将显示电子邮件地址的第一个字符,用XXX @ XXXX屏蔽其余字符,直到后缀“.com”。 例如,如果我们对abc@ddm.com这样的电子邮件地址应用电子邮件DDM功能,则此电子邮件地址将显示为“aXXX@XXXX.com”。

Using the below script, we will apply the email DDM function on the Student_Email_Id column of the table, DDM_Student_Sample, and check how the data will appear to the user, DDM_Read user.


Alter Table[dbo].[DDM_Student_Sample] Alter Column Student_Email_Id Add masked with (function='Email()') 

And the values of Student_Email_ID appear in the below format to the user, DDM_Read:


So, in the above image we can see that how data will look after applying the Default, Random, Custom String, and Email Dynamic Data Masking functions to the user who is having less (read only) permission on the table.


We can use below script to remove all the Dynamic Data masking functions on the table


After removal of all Dynamic Data Masking function a sensitive data will be visible to the user DDM_Read as shown in below figure.


Dynamic Data Masking Feature in SQL Server 2016 allows user to mask the data at database level without altering or obfuscating the actual stored data in a table. We can say this feature adds an advantage for the DBA, allowing them to hide the sensitive data from set of user who are having less privileges. This feature saves the extra effort of obfuscating or masking data when a vendor visits your company to fix some issue related to data in a database.

SQL Server 2016中的动态数据屏蔽功能允许用户在数据库级别屏蔽数据,而不会更改或混淆表中的实际存储数据。 我们可以说这个功能为DBA增加了一个优点,允许他们从具有较少权限的用户集中隐藏敏感数据。 此功能节省了当供应商访问您的公司以修复与数据库中的数据相关的某些问题时,对数据进行模糊处理或屏蔽的额外工作量。