1.1 Recruitment 1.1.3 Background Reading(IV)

本文章向大家介绍1.1 Recruitment 1.1.3 Background Reading(IV),主要包括1.1 Recruitment 1.1.3 Background Reading(IV)使用实例、应用技巧、基本知识点总结和需要注意事项,具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友可以参考一下。

1.1.3 Background Reading(IV)

  Advertising a job effectively and production informative company literature is the first step to attracting interest. To be convincing, you need to present an honest overview of the organization. This includes letting students talk to recent graduate recruits to get a flavor of the job and an insight into the company culture. If you organization matches up to the promises made during the recruitment process, graduates will accept offers and be more likely to stay.



  effectively:有效地  production: 生产;制造;制作;产量;(自然的)产生  informative: 提供有用信息的  literature: 文献,著作,资料  company litetature: 公司资料

  convincing:令人信服的,有说服力的  present: 目前,现在;提出,展示  overview: 回顾,复习;概览,概况

  recruits:[rɪˈkruːts] 新兵,新成员  flavor:滋味,特点,特色  insight: 见识  insight into:洞察 ; 对…深刻理解 ; 洞察力

  matches up:匹配  the promises made: 许下的承诺
