
usage: hrun [-h] [-V] [--log-level LOG_LEVEL] [--log-file LOG_FILE]
            [--dot-env-path DOT_ENV_PATH] [--report-template REPORT_TEMPLATE]
            [--report-dir REPORT_DIR] [--report-file REPORT_FILE] [--failfast]
            [--save-tests] [--startproject STARTPROJECT]
            [--validate [VALIDATE [VALIDATE ...]]]
            [--prettify [PRETTIFY [PRETTIFY ...]]]
            [testcase_paths [testcase_paths ...]]

One-stop solution for HTTP(S) testing.

positional arguments:
  testcase_paths        testcase file path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show version
  --log-level LOG_LEVEL
                        Specify logging level, default is INFO.
  --log-file LOG_FILE   Write logs to specified file path.
  --dot-env-path DOT_ENV_PATH
                        Specify .env file path, which is useful for keeping
                        sensitive data.
  --report-template REPORT_TEMPLATE
                        specify report template path.
  --report-dir REPORT_DIR
                        specify report save directory.
  --report-file REPORT_FILE
                        specify report file path, this has higher priority
                        than specifying report dir.
  --failfast            Stop the test run on the first error or failure.
  --save-tests          Save loaded tests and parsed tests to JSON file.
  --startproject STARTPROJECT
                        Specify new project name.
  --validate [VALIDATE [VALIDATE ...]]
                        Validate JSON testcase format.
  --prettify [PRETTIFY [PRETTIFY ...]]
                        Prettify JSON testcase format.

