mongodb 批量添加、修改和删除

本文章向大家介绍mongodb 批量添加、修改和删除,主要包括mongodb 批量添加、修改和删除使用实例、应用技巧、基本知识点总结和需要注意事项,具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友可以参考一下。



Insert a Collection of objects into a collection in a single batch write to the database.

<T> Collection<T> insert(Collection<? extends T> batchToSave, Class<?> entityClass);

或Insert a batch of objects into the specified collection in a single batch write to the database.

<T> Collection<T> insert(Collection<? extends T> batchToSave, String collectionName);

或 Insert a mixed Collection of objects into a database collection determining the collection name to use based on the


<T> Collection<T> insertAll(Collection<? extends T> objectsToSave);


Updates all objects that are found in the collection for the entity class that matches the query document criteria
with the provided updated document.

UpdateResult updateMulti(Query query, Update update, Class<?> entityClass);

Updates all objects that are found in the specified collection that matches the query document criteria with the
provided updated document.

UpdateResult updateMulti(Query query, Update update, String collectionName);

Updates all objects that are found in the collection for the entity class that matches the query document criteria
with the provided updated document.

UpdateResult updateMulti(Query query, Update update, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName);


Remove all documents that match the provided query document criteria from the the collection used to store the
entityClass. The Class parameter is also used to help convert the Id of the object if it is present in the query.

DeleteResult remove(Query query, Class<?> entityClass);

DeleteResult remove(Query query, Class<?> entityClass, String collectionName);

DeleteResult remove(Query query, String collectionName);


<T> List<T> findAllAndRemove(Query query, String collectionName);

<T> List<T> findAllAndRemove(Query query, Class<T> entityClass);

<T> List<T> findAllAndRemove(Query query, Class<T> entityClass, String collectionName);



例:BulkOperations bulkOp = this.template.bulkOps(BulkMode.UNORDERED, COLLECTION_NAME);



public Integer batchInsertDetailCommonDailyMessages(List<DetailCommonDailyStatis> messages) {
        if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(messages)) {
            return 0;
        // 插入新数据
        BulkOperations bulkOp = this.template.bulkOps(BulkMode.UNORDERED, COLLECTION_NAME); //BulkNode有两种形式
        BulkWriteResult result = bulkOp.execute();int insertCount = result.getInsertedCount();return insertCount;

