MySql 用户管理

本文章向大家介绍MySql 用户管理,主要包括MySql 用户管理使用实例、应用技巧、基本知识点总结和需要注意事项,具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友可以参考一下。

In MySql, the concept of "account" is tied to two things:a username and a hostname.That is,when you connect to the server,it checks not only the username that you specify,but also what host you're connecting from.One implication of thie concept of an concept of an account is that it is possible to set up separate accounts for different users who have the same username but connect from different hosts.       

1  Permissible Privileges for GRANT and REVOKE

Privilege Meaning and Grantable Levels
ALL [PRIVILEGES] Grant all privileges at specified access level except GRANT OPTION andPROXY.
ALTER Enable use of ALTER TABLE. Levels: Global, database, table.
ALTER ROUTINE Enable stored routines to be altered or dropped. Levels: Global, database, routine.
CREATE Enable database and table creation. Levels: Global, database, table.
CREATE ROUTINE Enable stored routine creation. Levels: Global, database.
CREATE TABLESPACE Enable tablespaces and log file groups to be created, altered, or dropped. Level: Global.
CREATE VIEW Enable views to be created or altered. Levels: Global, database, table.
DELETE Enable use of DELETE. Level: Global, database, table.
DROP Enable databases, tables, and views to be dropped. Levels: Global, database, table.
EVENT Enable use of events for the Event Scheduler. Levels: Global, database.
EXECUTE Enable the user to execute stored routines. Levels: Global, database, routine.
FILE Enable the user to cause the server to read or write files. Level: Global.
GRANT OPTION Enable privileges to be granted to or removed from other accounts. Levels: Global, database, table, routine, proxy.
INDEX Enable indexes to be created or dropped. Levels: Global, database, table.
INSERT Enable use of INSERT. Levels: Global, database, table, column.
LOCK TABLES Enable use of LOCK TABLES on tables for which you have the SELECTprivilege. Levels: Global, database.
PROCESS Enable the user to see all processes with SHOW PROCESSLIST. Level: Global.
PROXY Enable user proxying. Level: From user to user.
REFERENCES Enable foreign key creation. Levels: Global, database, table, column.
RELOAD Enable use of FLUSH operations. Level: Global.
REPLICATION CLIENT Enable the user to ask where master or slave servers are. Level: Global.
REPLICATION SLAVE Enable replication slaves to read binary log events from the master. Level: Global.
SELECT Enable use of SELECT. Levels: Global, database, table, column.
SHOW DATABASES Enable SHOW DATABASES to show all databases. Level: Global.
SHOW VIEW Enable use of SHOW CREATE VIEW. Levels: Global, database, table.
SHUTDOWN Enable use of mysqladmin shutdown. Level: Global.
SUPER Enable use of other administrative operations such as CHANGE MASTER TOKILLPURGE BINARY LOGSSET GLOBAL, and mysqladmin debugcommand. Level: Global.
TRIGGER Enable trigger operations. Levels: Global, database, table.
UPDATE Enable use of UPDATE. Levels: Global, database, table, column.
USAGE Synonym for “no privileges”

2 The Grant Tables

These mysql database tables contain grant information:

  • user: User accounts, global privileges, and other non-privilege columns
  • db: Database-level privileges
  • tables_priv: Table-level privileges
  • columns_priv: Column-level privileges
  • procs_priv: Stored procedure and function privileges
  • proxies_priv: Proxy-user privileges

3  Creating and Droping User Accounts


  • 创建一个不分配任何权限的用户 ,此账户只在server(localhost)服务器登录 
     create user 'jim'@'localhost'  identified by 'Abcd@123';

  • 创建一个不分配任何权限的用户 ,此账户只在任何一台机器(% 但不包含服务器自己 )上登录 
     create user 'jim'@'%'  identified by 'Abcd@123';
  • 删除用户
    drop user 'jim'@'localhost';
  • 重命名用户
    rename user 'jim'@'localhost' to 'jack'@'localhsot';


4 Grantint Privileges

  • 授予权限

     语法:权限 对象 账户 密码

     创建jim 账户,允许其查询 数据库tb1下的所有对象。     

      grant select on tb1.* to 'jim'@'localhost' identified by 'Abcd@123';    

     all  表示所有权限

    *.* 表示 所有数据库 的 所有对象

   一般不允许 创建 grant all on  *.*  to  ‘username’@'%' identified by 'Abcd@123';  权限太大

  •  查询权限

      show grants; show grants for current_user; 列出当前用户权限

     show grants for 'root'@'localhost'; 列出指定用户权限

4 Revoking Privileges

 语法 revoke 权限 on 对象 from '用户'@主机

revoke select  on tb1 .* from 'jim'@'localhost';

回收的权限和对象 必须完全与grans 一致